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Hosting security parameters

WWW server

The maximum number of simultaneous HTTP connections 100
The maximum number of HTTP requests per 24 hours 1.500.000
The maximum execution time of the PHP / CGI script 180 s
Maximum amount of memory for PHP / CGI script 256 MB
The maximum size of data sent in a POST request 64 MB
The maximum size of the file sent to the server 64 MB
Number of parallel CGI processes (including PHP) 8
The maximum size of the .htaccess file 128 kB
The number of emails from the web server per hour 100
The number of emails from the web server daily 1.000

Database server

The maximum query execution time 30 s.
The maximum number of concurrent connections to the database 50
The maximum size of the database 2 GB

Postal server

The maximum number of recipients in a single email 500
The maximum number of emails sent per period from outside Poland 100 / 5 min., 200 / 1 godz., 1000 / day
The maximum number of emails sent per period time from Poland 100 / 5 min., 2000 / 1 godz., 20.000 / day
The maximum size of the message 100 MB

Cyclic tasks

The maximum number of simultaneously performed cron tasks 1
The maximum processor time occupied by the cron task 180 s.
The maximum real time of performing the cron task 1 h
File system
The maximum number of files on the server 1.000.000

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